Check out Episode 5 of Designer & Devourer by clicking the post title! We’ll be talking recent posts, upcoming stuff, and then some
recent development work on Turn. The recipe this week will be road trip kebabs.
Recently did an interview with Jeff Tidball on The White Box, a box of blank parts to help design and game
education get started!
Interviewed Colin Kyle on Axon Punk: Overdrive,
a cyberpunk game with hip hop influences.
Chatted with Kevin Allen, Jr. on Trouble for Hire,
a road adventure game with one player and distributed GM roles for the other
Talked to Cam Banks about CortexPrime – my stretch goal hit! It’s still going!
Released Of the Woods: Lonely Gamesof Imagination on DriveThruRPG, includes a game of my design and curated games
from other designers. Proceeds go to Trevor Project.
Interviews coming are kinda being juggled right now, but they're on the way. :)
Road Trip Kebabs
Beef, roughly cubed to 1”x 1”x 2”
Chicken, roughly cubed to 1”x 1”x 2”
Sweet onions, sliced
Sweet peppers, sliced
Brown mustard
Cut meat, chicken, vegetables, and
thread onto skewers. You can do all one meat on each skewer, or mix it up.
Grill until cooked to your preference of done-ness, but make sure the chicken
is at least 165° F or there’s no pink left. Season while it’s still hot, right
off the grill. Use mustard as a dipping sauce! Great hot or cold.
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