Hello all,
I'll be at Big Bad Con this year - specifically this weekend! And Behind the Masc is on briecs.itch.io/behind-the-masc!
I made a big thread on Twitter of everything I'm doing and why!
I hope to see you there, and if not, look forward to my con reports! I'm taking a few days off after the con so Thoughty posts will be kicking back off after that.
In other news, I'm halfway through-ish Behind the Masc fulfillment! Hooray! The packing is going a little slowly but soon the game will be in all of the backers' hands, and it's already in their inboxes in PDF. If you missed out and want a PDF copy, check it out here!
Thoughty is supported by the community on patreon.com/thoughty. Tell your friends!
To leave some cash in the tip jar, go to http://paypal.me/thoughty.
If you'd like to be interviewed for Thoughty, or have a project featured, follow the instructions on the Contact page.
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