I know I have not posted this month on my blog! I have been super busy with life, but I've spent a little bit of time on editing and prepping and doing photography (which will hopefully eventually be art) for Sweet Valley Hell. It's a work in progress! I'm still planning on releasing it eventually. I still haven't figured out how to make playtests happen, unfortunately.
Hearts in Crisis is on hold pretty much until I finish school because I can't really do the amount of research I want to do for the project while also doing school. It makes me sad, but it is still something I intend to finish - I just need to build a stronger supporting text for it than I had originally planned.
Finally, I'm hoping to start work on a new project soon (starting with writing down stuff), but it is pending the final release of someone else's project, because it is... well, a hack. Hacks aren't normally my thing, but there is a big fiction property that I want to try building a game for. I don't think it makes sense to make a whole original system for it when it will work well as a hack - this might change, but the main plan as of the moment is to hack another game for this project. I'm not much for secrets, so I'll let you know: I'm hoping to hack Urban Shadows (because it is a beautiful game) to fit the Parasol Protectorate series universe. It's obviously an unofficial thing, but I still want to make it, and it will probably be a massive undertaking. If you're a fan of the series and familiar with Urban Shadows (via G+, the Kickstarter, or otherwise), feel free to drop me a message with any tidbits of ideas you have, if you want and don't mind me using them. :)
I'll try to update more! It's been pretty hectic around here, so please accept my apologies.
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